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Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot

Save time and streamline your workflows by sending automated reminders to fill out documents.
Try automation, it’s free!
What the Bot does
The Bot reminds specific people to complete documents assigned to them based on the ‘if-this-then-that’ conditions you’ve set.
When to use
Install and configure the Bot to automate reminders and speed up the process of invoicing, generating sales orders, and contract completion.
  • Author airSlate Inc.
  • Setup duration 5-10 min.
  • Used in 70 Templates
  • Used in 32 Workspaces
  • Installed 584 times in the last 30 days
  • 100% success rate
Star Rating
4.5 out of 5
(37 votes)
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Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes with the Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot. No coding required.

Specify additional time preferences
Configure Bot settings
First, select the Step you want to send a reminder for. Then, customize the email notification recipients will receive and choose when to send the reminder: on a delay or a set schedule.
Note: To install and configure Bots, start by creating a workflow.
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View the Bots log or use tags to check if the Bot ran successfully
Get your reminders sent out
Once the Bot is configured, share your document with anyone who needs to sign and complete it. Automated reminders will be sent to the recipients according to the schedule you’ve set.
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Install the Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot
to automate your document workflows

Learn more in this Bot’s airSlate Academy course

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How to set up the Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot and eliminate delays

Your business’s profit highly depends on the organization of internal processes. Smooth and consistent workflow management enables you to effectively provide the requested information to customers. However, if your workflow contains any sort of disorder, the customer will most likely choose one of your competitors.

Automation is the most efficient way to organize a consistent data flow and direct your business towards growth. The best way to automate your processes is by setting up automation Bots that robotize repetitive tasks and replace manual work with instant solutions. The Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot is yet another example of such a software robot.

Let’s assume your company runs a comprehensive HR policy that aims at motivating staff to take the initiative in their career prospects and growth. In this regard, HR encourages employees to set individual goals for the year during the last month of the preceding year. Once you submit your goals, you will need to focus on their implementation during the next year until December. Afterwards, new goals for the next year should be set up. In order to avoid missing deadlines, you can configure the Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot. It will remind you (several days before the submission date) to create a new form and fill it out.

The benefits of using this Bot are the following:

  • Provides the ability to keep tasks on your radar in a multitasking environment
  • Helps to prioritize. Is applicable to every task
  • Prevents delays
  • Takes 5 minutes to set up

Keep your workflows organized and engage yourself with decision-making tasks, rather than with repetitive ones. By setting up one or several Bots, you can significantly enhance your productivity. The process is so simple and intuitive that you won’t have any difficulties while setting up the Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot.

Configure automated procedures in three simple actions

Modify general options

Outline what exactly your Remind Recipients to Complete Documents Bot should do. Fill out all needed fields to assure the correct completion of operations. Take note: the ability to choose Bots appears after starting a new Flow and uploading at least one document.

Choose Bot activation circumstances

Identify scenarios for when your Bot should activate. Define rules and connect activation circumstances with steps in files and schedules, or user data.

Customize Advanced settings

Complete this part to choose additional settings and streamline the getting of real information like block alterations if something fails, etc., or keep the default parameters.
Illustration for How to Guide section