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Rename Document

Keep your documents organized and personalize your work. Simplify the process of locating and accessing documents by renaming them with the Rename Document Bot.
Try automation, it’s free!
What the Bot does
The Bot changes the name of a document based on the ‘if-this-then-that’ conditions you set.
When to use
Install and configure the Bot to automatically rename documents within a workflow for faster searches and improved document organization.
  • Author airSlate Inc.
  • Setup duration 5-10 min.
  • Used in 46 Templates
  • Used in 37 Workspaces
  • Installed 168 times in the last 30 days
  • 100% success rate
Star Rating
4.5 out of 5
(37 votes)
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Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes with the Rename Document. No coding required.

Pick one or several documents to rename
Configure Bot settings
Select the document you need from the workflow and type the new name. Use data variables to customize each document with the dynamic data, such as recipient names, email addresses, date of submission, and more.
Note: To install and configure Bots, start by creating a workflow.
Add multiple conditions and tell the Bot to run when all or some of them are executed
Add conditions for when the Bot should run
Define what will trigger the Bot to act. These can be a specific date, document data, user roles, email, or name. E.g., choose the fields you need and tell the Bot to change the document name once they have been completed.
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View the Bots log or use tags to check if the Bot ran successfully
Get your document renamed
Once the Bot is configured, share your document with anyone who needs to sign and complete it. Based on the conditions you’ve set, the Bot will automatically rename the document.
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Install the Rename Document
to automate your document workflows

Learn more in this Bot’s airSlate Academy course

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How to auto rename files with the Rename Document Bot

Automation technologies are of key importance in determining a company’s success into the future. airSlate’s workflow automation software provides ready-to-use Bots that transform manual routine processes into automatically completed tasks. For instance, specific software robots have been created so as not to interrupt a workflow to rename a document.

The main function of this Bot is to change the name of a document in a Flow using data from filled-in fields. Note that before installing this Bot you will need to create a Flow. Both Bot execution conditions and Advanced settings are optional. However, they can be rather useful when need be. For instance, you can create a tag to find a particular Flow. Simply set the Bot’s range of usage (only once or after each Revision) or choose what will happen to a Flow Revision if the Bot fails.

Automatically rename your files to get the following benefits:

1. Once the conditions you’ve selected have been met, a new name will be automatically assigned to the Flow file.

2. Searching for documents will now be more convenient with a better search format.

From now on, the question of how to rename files automatically will no longer arise. With the help of airSlate’s specialized robot, the entire process is Bot-controlled, allowing you to refocus your time on high priority tasks. Take advantage of airSlate’s workflow automation free of charge.